Tag Archives: #sourcingchat #tweetchat

Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat – Challenges for Recruiters in the Technology Age


There are several Industries with challenges and the Talent acquisition Industry is no exception. When it comes to the growth of a business it is absolutely essential to have Talents that have the desired calibre. And that begins from the Talent Acquisition department.

We’re all familiar with the challenges that we face as Talent Acquisitionist’s but let’s find out if there are some that we’ve not come across as yet. Therefore our popular #SourcingChat topic was on, “Challenges for Recruiters in the Technology Age.” To catch up with the discussion you can view the #Storify as we’ll be covering only the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat.

Q.1 What key changes are driving online sourcing & recruiting in the technology age? #SourcingChat

A1. #Business.Dynamics are Changing- So do #HR Function. #Technology will make it #Competitive #sourcingchat pic.twitter.com/qvUt6SMDnZ

@SourcingAdda A1: ATS, Social media channels,#Bots in Sourcing #Analytics in Hiring are driving online sourcing #futureofwork #sourcingchat

Q.2 How can technology enhance or improve your existing system? #SourcingChat

A2. Data organization, analysis, management can be done in much effective way with d help of tech #sourcingchat

A2: An online ATS can empower recruiters in better track of hiring process #SourcingChat

Q.3 How companies are preparing for smart technologies? #SourcingChat

A3 companies need to train employees and adopt new process to prepare #SourcingChat

@SourcingAdda A3 Companies have to organize Tech learning and development programs, need 2 participate in webinars,conference #SourcingChat

Q.4 Has technology improved the candidate experience? #SourcingChat

@SourcingAdda A4:Get an #app, let candidates to rate the experience&that will raise a red/green flag on #candidateexperience #SourcingChat

@SourcingAdda #SourcingChat A.4 Candidate experience so far has not improved since we do not even send an apology email to rejected once.

A4) Candidate can get feedback through mails and can also track the status of the application for job through portals #SourcingChat

Q.5 Which generation are you a part of (Traditionalist, Generation X, Generation Y..? #SourcingChat

@SourcingAdda technology will always a time saver which is really crucial part of any recruitment. it is faster, easy to use #SourcingChat

@SourcingAdda A5. Best is to become blend of all 3. Pick best practices from every generation and practice!! #SourcingChat

Well there you have it the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat that was held. To know more view the #Storify.

In the meantime be sure to follow us at @SourcingAdda to receive real time updates to our upcoming events and activities. Don’t go just yet; do leave us your views in our comments section as we’re looking forward to them.

Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat – Importance of Candidate feedback after an Interview


The Talent Acquisition Industry has constantly been debating about whether Candidate feedback is to be given or not. And if yes, how should it be given especially in rejection cases. Handling rejection can be difficult on both parties involved in the hiring process, the Interviewer and Interviewee.

The Interview being the candidates foot in the door to amazing opportunities if selected. Moreover most Recruiters usually tend to miss out on conveying the feedback to the Interviewed Applicant on time due to their mountain of tasks at hand.

Giving feedback in the right manner in a way that Applicants aren’t discouraged from their job hunt is absolutely essential but overlooked by Recruiters on the whole. Hence, the popular #SourcingChat focussed on these aspects and only the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat is listed out due to popular vote for Top Tweets only but you can view the #Storify to know more.

Sourcing Adda@SourcingAdda

Q.1 As a Recruiter, do you always give feedback to interviewed candidates? #SourcingChat

D Prasanth Nair@DPrasanthNair

@aditi_sha26 @SourcingAdda A1 #sourcingchat lot of us give. But need to be more consistent and also improve quality of feedback

Mark Mansour @MarkMansour01

@SourcingAdda I always do for candidates I interview. When trying to get feedback from a hiring manager it’s harder a1#SourcingChat

Manish Pipalwa@pipalwa

A1 Sharing feedback is a Learning for #Recruiters. It help to improve on #Sourcing while identifying Gaps #SourcingChat

Sourcing Adda@SourcingAdda

Q.2 Are you scared of giving the feedback for rejected candidates? If yes, Why? #SourcingChat

Md Saifullah Rizvi@SaifuRizvi

A2. it is humane to be hesitant while sharing d negative feedback. One has to learn to subtly share d message of rejection! #SourcingChat

Aditi Sharma@aditi_sha26

A2: Yes, sometime I feel like the feedback will demotivate the candidate. #SourcingChat

Sourcing Adda@SourcingAdda

Q.3 Do you prefer giving the feedback personally (Call/Email) or through automated system? #SourcingChat

Sumeet Jindal@sumeetjindalin

If the feedback is official then thru mail, personal then personally thru message. For for close friends, face to face. #sourcingchat

gopal kharwat@IamGopal89

A3.I feel a an email or in person works well,depending on the seniority. System-naah,no personal touch #SourcingChat

Soniya Sharma@soniyasharmahr

A3 I prefer giving it ny way the candidate is comfortable wid.Very few candidates r curious 2 knw wt made company 2 reject thm #SourcingChat

Sourcing Adda@SourcingAdda

Q.4 How feasible is to give feedback to every candidate personally in volume hiring? #SourcingChat

Gaurav Dubey@BetuChotu 

#SourcingChat a4. in volume hiring, feedback can be same because many candidates will lack same skills. tell it in the way they understand.

Vikas Dua@vykasdua

A4. In Volume hiring, better to ‘templat-ise’ feedback to extent poss and automate with emails/sms #SourcingChat @SourcingAdda

Nitisha Shah@nitishashah1

Let thm knw how much you appreciate their effort. If you genuinely want to keep their resume on file for future opportunities. #SourcingChat

Sourcing Adda @SourcingAdda

Q.5 Share your secret of giving good interview feedback for rejected candidates? #SourcingChat

Soniya Sharma @soniyasharmahr

A5 While Rejecting due 2 skill gap i always try to give feedback on the spot or over the phone later. Used for IT recruitment#SourcingChat

Nitisha Shah @nitishashah1

A5. The interviewee is looking for constructive insights. Don’t begin by listing all the things they did wrong #SourcingChat

Vikas Dua @vykasdua

A5. Be quick, be honest, give some tips for improvement/ guide in the right direction #SourcingChat @SourcingAdda

Well this brings us to the end of another great #SourcingChat and we hope you’ve enjoyed it just as much as we’ve enjoyed conducting it. If you’ve found this #SourcingChat informative and would like to be a part of it then be sure to follow us @SourcingAdda for updates to our upcoming activities.

Top Tweets of the SourcingChat – Best Tools and Techniques Used in the Recruitment Process

Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat - Best Tools and Techniques Used in the Recruitment Process

We’ve been into the Talent Acquisition Industry for quite some time and we’re familiar with the tools & techniques that are commonly used by most of us. But would you like to know about the other Tools & Techniques that are available?

If you’re answer is yes, then you’d like to know about the #SourcingChat on, “Best Tools and Techniques used in Recruitment Process” if you’ve missed it. But don’t fret you can still catch up with the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat and here they are…

Q1. The importance of tools in sourcing & recruiting? #SourcingChat

A1. Use of #tech tools in #Sourcing & #recruiting is to reduce timelines, bring efficiency, improve #experience #SourcingChat

A1 A Modern tool to minimize the time length between sourcing, recruitment & selection #sourcingchat

Q2. What are the various recruitment tools you use for sourcing passive candidates? #SourcingChat

A2. #dribble #behance #github #stackoverflow #Googlesearch #Twitter #Linkedin #googleplus #facebook #SourcingChat

A2: GitHub, stack overflow, LinkedIn, recruitin, angellist, behance and dribbble for UX techgig #sourcingchat

Q3. What are the tools you use for your daily job like Job posting, mass mailing etc.? #SourcingChat

A3 job postings, LinkedIn messages, interacting with applicants, search, re search, headhunting, networking #SourcingChat

A3: Posting in LinkedIn, Twitter, FaceBook via Buffer& posting in respective groups in social media #Sourcingchat

A3 For Job Posting We use #WhatsApp Groups #LinkedIn @iimjobs #careersite & #jobportals – We do mix- Free & Paid sites #sourcingchat

Q4. Importance of Excel and Reporting in Sourcing or Recruiting. What tools you use? #SourcingChat

A4. Helps to take more informed decision, reduces work repetition & duplication #SourcingChat

A4: Excel has been there for ages. Newer ones like InsightSquared are gaining popularity. #SourcingChat

Q5. How effectively these tools make your work easy? #SourcingChat

A5: best to arrange your work and track your candidates #sourcingchat

A5: Improves managing productivity at scale, Helps with operatinoal rigour and assists in almost stock market like reporting #SourcingChat

Q6. Name any one of your favorite recruitment/sourcing tool? Why? #SourcingChat

A6. @LinkedIn . Being a professional and part of a fast growing/ changing world one can’t afford to not have presence on it. #SourcingChat

A6. Tools will come and go. Some will evolve. But magic of #Boolean will always charm and help us 🙂 #sourcingchat

Well these were the best ones we came across in the #SourcingChat that was conducted. I’m sure that if you’ve read this far then you’ve come across something you like and you want to know more. In that case you need to follow us @SourcingAdda to get real time updates to our upcoming events. So don’t be left out of all the action be a part of it by joining in to remain updated at all times.

Top Tweets of the SourcingChat – Empowering Recruiters as Brand Ambassadors

Top Tweets of the SourcingChat – Empowering Recruiters as Brand Ambassadors

As Recruiters have you ever thought about yourselves as Brand Ambassadors? If not, then here’s a chance to stop and step into the role as Brand Ambassadors. Now that you’ve done that what aspects have you come across so far?

I’m sure that it would be similar to ones mentioned in the, “Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat  – Empowering Recruiters as Brand Ambassadors” that was conducted. If not, then here’s a chance to find out and be enlightened by following the Tweets mentioned.

Remember these are but only the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat. If you’re interested in finding out the others then the Storify of the #SourcingChat i.e. Empowering Recruiters as Brand Ambassadors will be helpful. In the meantime here’s a peek into the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat..

Q1. What according to you is a Brand Ambassador? #SourcingChat

A1: @SourcingAdda people who are synonymous with the brand with passion 4r building relationship & who is           a  ntaural leader #SourcingChat

A1. Anyone who spreads/shares your values #SourcingChat @sourcingadda

@SourcingAdda #sourcingchat The one who represents the companyculture, values

@SourcingAdda A1. One who vouch for the product quality and use their own credibility 2 win people trust for             Brand!! #SourcingChat

A1: The one who represents company culture and adding values to it. #SourcingChat                                                            https://twitter.com/SourcingAdda/status/694830493175541760 …

@SourcingAdda A1- Brand Ambassador is a person who present your product as he is using it and getting                     benefits #sourcingchat

#SourcingChat. recruiter becomes branding initiative while doing recruitment events or social networking                     hiring

Q2. What are the best ways to Transform #Recruiters into Brand Ambassadors? #SourcingChat

@SourcingAdda #sourcingchat A2.Understand business,believe in the brand, sell to prospective candidates,                 make a  difference in their career.

@SourcingAdda Q2 : Equip them with the right tools where they can advertise the good work they have been                doing #SourcingChat

A2. Hosting/Anchoring in Job fairs, Campus placement, seminars / conferences. #Recruiters image in a Job                Description #SourcingChat

A2 Enrolling them to the idea that #recruitment is a sales role, you are the #Brand & candidate experience is                brand experience #SourcingChat

Q3. According to you, is it essential for Employers to empower their Recruiters as Brand Ambassadors?                          #SourcingChat

A3 Yes, bcoz if ur recruiters will b ur brand ambassadors then they’ll become more loyal to ur product                              #SourcingChat

https://twitter.com/SourcingAdda/status/694836545317163008 …

A3. @SourcingAdda #sourcingchat Yes certainly. They are the first and single point of contact for the future                  team  members.

Q4. Why are #Recruiters the best Brand Ambassadors? #SourcingChat

A4 #SourcingChat Most effective for reinforcing employer brand in talent market, recruiters reach out, sell,                  hustle everyday @sourcingadda

#recruiters are B2C brand sales people, front-line salesforce…#sourcingchat

Q5. As a Brand Ambassador what measures would you take to promote your Employer? #SourcingChat

A5. Be aware of your company and business. Live its values.Look & sound like a proud employee first.                              #sourcingchat

https://twitter.com/SourcingAdda/status/694843040159105025 …

A6 show real stories and honest success. And network network network #SourcingChat                                                       https://twitter.com/SourcingAdda/status/694843040159105025 …

There you have it so before you go do you remember the question I asked earlier?  Then tell me, were your aspects included in the ones that were mentioned, if not then leave your views in the comments section and we’ll be glad to add to our knowledge as well.  Meanwhile keep following @SourcingAdda to remain updated with the upcoming activities in real time and add to your knowledge as well.

Top Tweets of the Sourcing Chat – Best Practices in Social Recruiting

Top Tweets of the Sourcing Chat – Best Practices in Social Recruiting

We’ve heard so much about Social Media Recruiting most of us even use it to a great extent yet as Recruiter’s have you stopped to wonder whether your methods are efficient?

If you haven’t then we @SourcingAdda took the liberty to find out whether the methods we’re using as Talent Acquisitions are ideal and most effective. We hosted the #SourcingChat on, “Best Practices in Social Recruiting”. If you’ve missed it then here is the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat that we shortlisted for your reference…

  1. Sourcing Adda @SourcingAdda

Q1. What aspects should one focus on when attracting candidates on Social Channels? #SourcingChat

  1. Arvind Ramani @Arvind_R16

A1: Consistent messaging & a timely response structure are basics while trying to attract candidates via #Social

Channels #SourcingChat

  1. Achyut Menon @achyutmenon

@SourcingAdda A1 “Fish where the fish are!” Listen in and follow them to understand, Good things come to

those who bait! #SourcingChat

  1. D Prasanth Nair @DPrasanthNair

@SourcingAdda A1 #sourcingchat understand TG. Be present in where they are. Present reality

  1. Sourcing Adda @SourcingAdda

Q2. What are the key elements to perfecting a Recruiting Brand’s Social Media Presence? #SourcingChat

  1. Nitisha Shah @nitishashah1

The best way to encourage #Employees to post on #social media is to use #socialcontent distribution software

#SourcingChat @namanstaffing

  1. Aadil Bandukwala @aadil

A2 Recruiting isn’t about B2B or B2C or B2G. It’s about H2H: Human To Human. Firms need to bring their

Culture to Life #SourcingChat

  1. Soumava Alan Saha @augustbornleo

Indeed ! Specially JobDescription should be creative. D need some changes for an effective social eng


  1. Sourcing Adda @SourcingAdda

Q3. How can HR analytics improve the Social Recruiting Strategy of Talent Acquisitions? #SourcingChat

  1. Madhav Vamsi @Madhavspeaks

1st hv trained hr 2nd chose right tool 3rd ask right qs to ur #analytics engine #SourcingChat @SourcingAdda

  1. Shyam Prajapati @i_beinghr

@SourcingAdda #Sourcingchat Hr analytics helps 2 understand need and supply related insights, it helps to

identify and track apt candidate.

  1. Manav Das @manavdas

@SourcingAdda #SourcingChat a2) Proper social media channel with timely engagement with potential and

current audience

  1. Manish Pipalwa @pipalwa (2RT, 2F)

A3 #HRanalytics will help Derive the #SocialRecruiting #ROI.It will help to Build Future #Hiring Plans

  1. s@chin @suchnes



  1. Sourcing Adda @SourcingAdda

Q4. What aspects should Recruiters focus on to generate results on Social Media besides data? #SourcingChat

  1. Mukta Patil @MuktaPatil4

A4 Networking with right audience. Selling your #Brand enough to convert passive candidates active.


  1. Manish Pipalwa @pipalwa

A4 Don’t Send Gentle Reminders on #Socialmedia Platforms. #Email Etiquette do not work here.#sourcingchat

  1. Sourcing Adda @SourcingAdda

Q5. What kind of results Recruiters can get through Social Media? #SourcingChat

  1. Parul Sharma @parulsharma23

@SourcingAdda #sourcingchat A5) Part 1 :Thru Tremendous Result of So Me Hiring I bet If my Target

Resource Exist, He will be Found, ABCF & R

  1. Emma Hunt @emmahunt10

A5. Hires, brand attraction, build pipelines – the list goes beyond 140 characters #SourcingChat

The Tweets to the #SourcingChat clearly enlighten you and make you realize whether your methods are as effective as they seem so here’s where I leave you with a subject that is worth an afterthought to ensure that your efforts are effective. If you’re interested in being a part of future such activities follow @SourcingAdda.